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Chronic hand eczema Report download LEO

Download the Chronic Hand Eczema (CHE) Impact Report now

The CHE Patient Impact Report

This research was initiated, funded, and written by LEO Pharma UK. Allergy UK and UK healthcare professionals reviewed and contributed to the research and report. Allergy UK is working in collaboration with LEO Pharma to share the outputs of this report to improve healthcare support for people living with CHE.


Chronic Hand Eczema (CHE) is a painful inflammatory skin condition that occurs across the hands and the wrists.1,2 It is defined by the European Society of Contact Dermatitis guidelines as symptoms that last for more than three months, or relapses twice or more per year, meaning these individuals may be experiencing repeated cycles of flares that can then have an impact across many aspects of their lives.1,3


To explore the impact that this condition has on people’s lives a multi-disciplinary taskforce was created. This taskforce was initiated and funded by LEO Pharma and included representation from dermatology, general practice, and the charity Allergy UK.


The research uncovered significant physical and emotional impact, with CHE negatively affecting quality of life, work, and relationships. Half of the respondents experienced anxiety or anger due to their CHE, yet only 14% have been asked about the emotional impact of their CHE by any healthcare professional (HCP). Additionally, people living with CHE reported delaying seeking help, experiencing CHE for a median of 8 years before initially seeking healthcare support, most frequently due to not thinking their symptoms were severe enough.4


The report findings identify a need for greater education for HCPs regarding the impact on people living with CHE and more support for people living with suspected CHE, to seek healthcare support earlier.


Download the full report for more insights and experience from people from the UK living with CHE.

1. Lynde C, et al. J Cutan Med Surg 2010;14:267–28; 2. Menné T, et al. Contact Dermatitis. 2011;65:3–12. 3. Thyssen J, et al. Contact Dermatitis. 2022;86:357–78; 4.  DOF DERM-001 June 2024.

MAT-74373 June 2024